

Rockhound Activities

Monthly Club Meetings

Pueblo Rockhounds Meeting.

The Pueblo Rockhounds meet once a month on the third Thursday of each month (except June, July and August). At the meetings we have guest speakers and programs of interest to rockhounds. We also have a show and tell where we can display and talk about our own rocks, minerals and gems from our collection. This is a great way to meet other rockhounds and share a common interest. All who are interested in rocks and minerals are invited to attend; you do not have to be a member to attend these meetings

Annual Rock and Mineral Auction

Pueblo Rockhounds Auction.

Once a year, usually in the fall the Pueblo Rockhounds have an auction of rocks, minerals and fossils. These specimins usually come from various mineral shows throughout the year like the Tucson Gem and Mineral show, The Denver show, and others throughout the west. All proceeds from the auction support our club and cover our yearly expenses. This is a super way to grow your own personal collection and support the club at the same time.

Rockhound Field Trips

Fossil Fly from the Florisant Fossil Quarry.

Every year the Pueblo Rockhounds have field trips to the club claims in Lake George, CO as well as other great rock and fossil hunting sites throuhout the area. You must be a club member with a signed release of liability form with the club in order to participate. No guests are allowed on these trips.




Annual Holiday Party & Gift Exchange

Every December the Pueblo Rockhounds gather for their Holiday Party and Gift Exchange. It's a fun time to close out the year with good food and a voluntary gift exchange berween members. Bring a rockhound related gift and take a gift.


Hunting for Thunder Eggs and Agate at Twin Buttes near Del Norte, CO.

Hunting for Thunder Eggs and Agate at Twin Buttes near Del Norte, CO.